※ 拆解第一步
The ICEdot crash sensor is a Bluetooth low-energy device that senses extreme changes in movement, like when you’re in a bike accident. It connects to an online service via an iPhone app and after a crash is detected it launches a 45-second countdown on the phone which, if not canceled, then notifies your emergency contact. When you first get the device, you can set up your account with multiple contacts and choose between a phone call, sms, or email notifications. Emergency medical personnel can text the ID of your ICEdot to a number and receive back your important medical info.
Misfit Shine的名字就具备时尚色彩,它可以跟踪用户的步伐、日常活动级别、睡眠质量和精准时间,它采用低功耗蓝牙(BTLE)技术实现Shine纽扣与iOS App的互动,更重要的是这个小精灵还是防水的战士。采用随机的配件就能打开这个小精灵,我们就能发现完整的Shine智能纽扣包括如下几个重要的部分:
1、单片机:EFM32-LG295F256 microcontroller
2、低功耗蓝牙:CC2541 Bluetooth Low Energy module by Texas Instruments
3、三轴加速度传感器:LIS3DH accelerometer by ST
※ 拆解第二步
The ICEdot attaches to your helmet with a bracket and zip ties, and the device charges via micro USB. The pack also contains stickers with your ICEdot ID for placing on your license in your wallet etc.
借助强力钳还是能比较容易的抽出电路板的,怎么样这下对这个小Shine有感觉了吗?竟然还是在韩国制作的,不知道John Sculley 是这么想问题的?不会是担心被山寨了吧?嘻嘻。
Misfit 智能穿戴纽扣Shine之深度解剖
※ 拆解第三步
We used a flathead screwdriver to gently pry the ICEdot open. Be cautious not to pry against the soft lithium polymer battery, or it could be damaged.
The plastic shell has a rubber gasket inside. The contents of the shell are a small double-sided circuit board and 120mAh rechargeable lipo battery, a lot like the 150mAh battery we have in the Adafruit store.
On one side of the board is a Bluetooth low-energy module (BTLE) module by Texas Instruments, containing a CC2540 microcontroller.
The other side of the board has a bq24024 lipo charger, a L3GD20 3-axis gyro (just like the one we carry!), and LIS3DH 3-axis accelerometer.
To save costs, the designers used the CC2540 as both a BTLE controller and the microcontroller that reads all the sensor data from the gyroscope & accelerometer and decides whether it’s time to activate the help function on the paired phone.
Misfit 智能穿戴纽扣Shine之深度解剖
依照惯例,我们最后把拆解的Misfit Shine智能纽扣的全家福递上。
下面我们简要列出本次解剖Misfit Shine智能纽扣产品涉及到的相关硬件器件明细与在线阅读:
1、低功耗蓝牙处理器:TI CC2540 蓝牙SOC处理器
2、锂电池充电器:TI BQ24024 USB/AC 单锂电池充电器
3、三轴加速度传感器:LIS3DH accelerometer by ST
4、三轴陀螺仪:L3GD20 three-axis digital output gyroscope
5、解剖高清无码图赏:ICEdot应急传感器高清无码解剖图.rar (加奇笛官方微信qidiChina,回复“ICEdot解剖图”可获知下载鉴赏密码。)
我们做过Misfit Shine智能纽扣的开箱评测,由于该团队是由前Apple CEO领导,故而更加引人关注。综合开箱到解剖,从外表到里子,的确给我们留下了深刻印象。当然,我们也听说了深圳某团队山寨了Shine,照猫画虎的创业肯定是汲取不了全部养分。
1、硬件也讲究美学。Misfit Shine体积虽小,硬件做工绝不含糊,美学与实用并重的色彩凸显无疑,这是Apple的基因作用还是团队品位使然?将外观与硬件完美统一就是让用户爱不释手的第一步。遗憾的是这次无法同时比对山寨Shine,我们相信两者放在一起,一眼就能分辨出原单还是A货!
2、携半导体主流缩短上市周期。Misfit Shine智能纽扣在硬件核心料件伙伴选择上也比较特别,从单片机到蓝牙控制器,从三轴加速度传感器到电路板布局全部选择了当下市场的主导者,这既反映了团队对产品的自信和定位,同时也有效避免了二流伙伴的低价技术带来的上市延误。